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this way!

8 Apr

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I. Just. Can’t.

The girl loves a good tutu, what can I say?  I wish I got a good picture of her in her tutu while playing construction site or ooohing and ahhing over a real life-sized excavator.

Last night, she insisted on wearing her fleece footsie froggie pajamas.  After realizing that it was, in fact, really freaking hot, she demanded to wear her tutu.  Only her tutu.  I forgot where I first read that one secret to parenting toddlers is to just say yes, whenever possible.  The sight of her opening the door to her bedroom at 6:30 this morning, rubbing her eyes, in nothing more than a tutu…the sweetness almost made up for next moment, when she first saw me on the other side of the door, slammed the door in my face and screamed, “NOOOOO!!!!  Want DADDY!!!”  Nevermind that she had been calling for me for the last 5 minutes.